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Monday, March 30, 2009 Totally-Out-of-It-And-doesn't-really-feel-like-blogging Monday

Here's a bloggy question thingy from A Little Stranger. These are the rules: Answer these same questions on your own blog. Replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention. Add one more question of your own. If you post this on your blog leave a note here so I can read yours.

What is your current obsession?
The computer, but that's always my obsession.

Which item from your closet are you wearing most lately?
My really bright red super-expensive hoodie that I love and that is really old and still really nice. It's warm and I can just put it on and I don't need a jacket to go outside.

What's for dinner?
I'm not really sure. Probably eggs.

What was the last thing you bought?
Hershey's Eggies from the local grocery. I had to search through 3 different aisles to find the dratted things.

What are you listening to right now?
New Moon by Stephenie Meyer. Now don't get all anti-Twilight on me >:3 I listen to it when I'm falling asleep.

Say something to the person who tagged you:
I assume that's Holly, right? Well then, hello >< Am I done now?

What did you say to the last person you talked to?
"Go AWAY, MOXIE!" to my dog.

What are you reading right now?
Some book. I can't remember which, so it must not be very interesting.

What is your current guilty pleasure?
Chocolate ice cream sticks.

What will be the first spring thing you do?
Probably to stop Moxie from eating the little flowerbuds. Omnomnomnom tasty.

Who did you last speak to?
Goshlums this is repetitive, isn't it? Moxie, my dog. Although she doesn't exactly talk back so I suppose it probably doesn't count.

If you could grow any plant(s) in the world in your house or yard, what would it be?

What was the last thing you made?
A little book full of photos for a friend.

What do you collect?
Postcards from galleries and other places like that.

What are you most looking forward to about summer?
The sleeping in.

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